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Hi, nice to meet you!

Hey! Thanks for clicking to read more about me. I'm Sara. I'm a busy woman (aren't we all?!) as  a wife, and mom to our five fabulous and somewhat crazy girls.  Life is full of laughter, messes, hugs, pink & purple, and sparkles around our house with some occasional yelling and bickering thrown in to keep it real. 

My Thirty-one work let's me add income to our family while also letting me keep connected to other women and the world outside our home. It's my sanity saver some days!  I love to help people, including my fabulous customers. I have the best customers in the world. True story. 

In the summer I'd rather be out on the lake fishing than doing almost anything else. In the winter I'd rather by in the hot tub or by our fireplace reading a good book.  I make awesome blueberry scones, and homemade caramels too.We enjoy coffee so much at our house that we named our dog Mocha, she's a chocolate labradoodle, so it's totally appropriate! 

I own more Around Town Totes and All About The Benjamins than any other product, except maybe Zipper Pouches.  Oh wait. Maybe I own more Large Utility Totes. Hmmm.  Either way, I win!  Do you have a favourite product? I'd love to know what yours is!  

Sara Adams

Senior Consultant